FreeNAS Archive
How to get FreeNAS / TrueNAS to boot on an HP Proliant using an SSD installed in the Optical Disk Drive bay ODD / Bay 5.
Fix failed updates in Sonarr:
"/tmp/nzbdrone_backup/config.xml" is denied
"/tmp/nzbdrone_backup/config.xml" is denied.
By default Radarr installs with the radarr user, but other plugins like transmission / sonarr / etc. require the media user. If you change the user to media then radarr does not start / boot and does not show any errors. Follow the guide to fix it.
Fix errors with Sonarr not fetching any jobs from the indexers. Errors like: Couldn't add report to download queue, Syntax Error after '<' character:
Looking to install Transmission on a FreeNAS server with VPN killswitch? This guide should help.